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ps2eps Tool for generating EPS Format files from one-page PS documents
pstoedit Convert PostScript / PDF into various vector graphic formats
py-biggles Python module for creating 2D scientific plots
py-cairo Python bindings for cairo
py-clutter Python modules for Clutter toolkit
py-gd Python interface to gd graphics library
py-gdchart Python interface to GDChart
py-gnuplot Python package that interfaces to gnuplot
py-gtkglext Python bindings for gtkglext
py-imaging PIL, the Python Imaging Library
py-imagingtk Tk support for the Python Imaging Library (PIL)
py-matplotlib Matlab-style plotting package for Python
py-matplotlib-gtk2 GTK frontend for matplotlib
py-OpenGL Pyhton bindings for OpenGL
py-piddle Python Plug In Drawing, Does Little Else
qcamview Logitech Quickcam Express USB Utilities
qimageblitz Interm graphical effect and filter library for KDE4.0
qiv Quick image viewer
quesoglc Free implementation of the OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC)
qvplay Software for use with CASIO QV digital cameras
rabbit Application to do presentation with RD document
radiance Physically-based, image-generating, backward raytracer
rayshade Extensible system for creating ray-traced images
refocus-it Refocus images
RenderKit Objective-C API for core scene rendering
resize_image Fast image resizing tool
rrdtool (V) Data analysis tool generating graphical representations
rrdtool12 (V) Data analysis tool generating graphical representations
ruby-archive-tar-minitar (V) Pure Ruby library for handling POSIX tar archives
ruby-clutter Ruby binding for Clutter libraries
ruby-clutter-cairo Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
ruby-clutter-core Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
ruby-clutter-gtk Ruby binding for Clutter GTK+ widget
ruby-color Color value conversion and manipulation library
ruby-gd Ruby extension to drive the GD library
ruby-gnome2-gdkpixbuf Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x
ruby-gnome2-gnomecanvas Ruby binding of GnomeCanvas-2.x
ruby-gnome2-goocanvas Ruby binding of GooCanvas
ruby-gnome2-gtkglext Ruby binding of gtkglext
ruby-gnome2-libart Ruby binding of Libart_lgpl
ruby-gnome2-rsvg Ruby binding of librsvg
ruby-gnuplot Ruby interface to a gnuplot process
ruby-imlib2 Imlib2 bindings for Ruby
ruby-mini-magick Ruby wrapper for ImageMagick command line
ruby-opengl Ruby bindings for OpenGL, GLU and GLUT
ruby-rcairo Ruby bindings for cairo
ruby-RMagick Ruby binding to ImageMagick
ruby-SDL (V) Ruby extension library to use SDL library
s10sh USB/serial userspace driver for Canon PowerShot cameras
sane-backends API for access to scanners, digital cameras, frame grabbers etc.
sane-frontends Frontends for access to scanners, digital cameras, frame grabbers etc
scigraphica Data analysis and technical graphics
scrot Commandline screen capture util like import, but using imlib2
SDL_image Load images as SDL surfaces
SDLKit 3DKit SDL backend
showimg Feature-rich image viewer for KDE including an image management system
silgraphite Font engine for complex non-Roman writing systems
silgraphite-ft FreeType wrapper for SIL Graphite
silgraphite-xft Xft wrapper for SIL Graphite
simage Library for image format loaders and front-ends
skencil Interactive drawing program
snx101view USB Webcam based sonix SN9C101 chip Utility Programs
spcaview USB Cameras based SPCA5xx Utilities
tesseract Commercial quality open source OCR engine
tgif Fully-featured X11 drawing program
tiff Library and tools for reading and writing TIFF data files
TiffIO Tiff support for QT image loader
tkpiechart Tcl/Tk pie-chart utility; in Tcl, not as an extension
transfig (V) TeX document creation tool utilizing portable graphics
tuxpaint Drawing program for small children
tuxpaint-config Configuration program for tuxpaint
tuxpaint-stamps Rubber stamps for Tux Paint
ucview Video capture and display program based on unicap
unicap Uniform interface to video capture devices
urt Toolkit and library for raster image processing
vcg Visualization Tool for compiler graphs
veusz Scientific plotting package
vid Simple-minded image capture program for some USB webcams
viewfax Tool for displaying fax files in an X Window
vigra Computer vision library
vnc2swf Record vnc session as flash movie
vp Image viewer
vtk Visualization toolkit
vtk-data Example data for VTK
vtk-docs Documentation for VTK (HTML)
vtk-python Python wrapper libraries for vtk; see vtk package for details
wmphoto Dock-app that can show you a photo
wxsvg C++ library to create, manipulate and render SVG files
x11rec Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
xart Paint program (enhanced xpaint)
xbmbrowser View complete directories of X bitmaps and X pixmaps
xdvipresent Slide Presentations Using LaTeX/xdvi
xfce4-icon-theme Xfce icon themes
xfig CAD-like 2D drawing tool, good for colorful scale drawings & ISOs
xgraph Tool to draw a graph on an X11 display
xli X11 Image Loading Utility
xmbdfed (V) Motif-based BDF font editor with lots of features
xmorph X program for image warping and dissolving
xpaint Simple paint program
xplot Plotting program, most often used in conjunction with tcptrace